Kamis, 24 Desember 2009

Soshified wake up my artwork soul

Since high school, i love to manipulate picture with many edit photo program like photoshop or corel draw. For the first time, it's cause by my love to everything bout Japanese Rock Singer. I love to collect their picture and edit it become wallpaper or just a picture.

After that, i like to join in forum discussion to get new information or to share some story with other fans. In that kind of forum we use avatar ( a picture of you show when you reply or post something) and banner (a signature - it could be text or picture, that places in the end of your post). Every user that have ability to edit picture, usually use avatar or banner that their made by themselves. It's kind of pride to use and publish you design. Sometime, other user used the avatar or banner that design by the other user. It's become a pride to for a user that him/her works have been use by other. It's mean that they made something cool.

Cause that, i interest to my my own design. Beside, i Love photo editing before. It's just make me love it more! ^^

But, when i go to collage, in semester 4-now (i'm semester 7 now), i didn't have much time to editing photo. I must doing anything else and make me not produce anything. T_T

Few weeks ago, i start to adore SNSD (Girl band from Korea, known as Girls Generation), and starting become they fans. If you like something, there's a group discussion for fans in all the world. And for SNSD it's called SOSHIFIED. I think this is one of complete forum cause you can find anything in here, from video until lyrics. An one thing special on SOSHIFIED, they have team to translate all video from SNSD. It's really help fans cause they use Korean Language, and not many people can understand this language. So it's really help, and that's make some body that for the first time not like this girls, gonna love them.

In SOSHIFIED, there's a topic that call ARTWORK. In here everybody can show and publish their ability in art, mostly in editing photo. And there are some member that allow another member to request a design from him/her. That's really awesome!

That's why, i wanna do something to. i wanna make something and do something that i've been done before. And here they are....

Senin, 21 Desember 2009

Ga Nulis Blog Bukan Berarti My mind not talking

Waduhh, udah lama banget nggak bikin apa-apa di blog...
last post ajah 1 bulan yang lalu,
kalo di runut ama nama blog gue, berarti dalam satu bulan ini berarti my mind is not talking donk??


satu bulan vakum ada alasannya,
mungkin terkesan jadi jawaban standar tapi emang kenyataannya begitu...


dalam artian yang positif..

lagi banyak kegiatan yang musti diikutin dan nuntun banyak perhatian.
belom lagi seminar dan jobtraining yang alhamdulillah udah berada di zona aman..

SEMINAR udah presentasi dan di terima, tanpa ada revisi yang berarti.
tinggal di kumpul awal january, nunggu nilainya, dan di ajuin buat USULAN MASALAH buat skripsi...
dimohon ya doa nya ^^

JOBTRAINING udah di apply ama perusahaannya. Mulai kerja awal bulan january. dan sangat bersyukur sekali bisa diterima di perusahaan yang bagus.. God really love me.

Hal lain yang bikin gue berada dalam posisi SIBUK adalah di lantiknya gue menjadi salah satu pengurus PERHUMAS MUDA BANDUNG.

Organisasi yang namanya udah sangat terkenal di dunia Humas, jadi sebuah batu loncatan yang sangat bagus buat gue. ini bisa jadi kesempatan emas yang nggak bakal gue lewatin untuk kelancaran karir gue di masa depan. Aminnn....

Jadi, selama satu bulan ini, my mind is not talking is wrong, but so many things in my mind that's make i don't have enough time to share it with u guys.. ^^
Really sorry, but i'll try my best ^________________^
Laft YA!!!