Kamis, 24 Desember 2009

Soshified wake up my artwork soul

Since high school, i love to manipulate picture with many edit photo program like photoshop or corel draw. For the first time, it's cause by my love to everything bout Japanese Rock Singer. I love to collect their picture and edit it become wallpaper or just a picture.

After that, i like to join in forum discussion to get new information or to share some story with other fans. In that kind of forum we use avatar ( a picture of you show when you reply or post something) and banner (a signature - it could be text or picture, that places in the end of your post). Every user that have ability to edit picture, usually use avatar or banner that their made by themselves. It's kind of pride to use and publish you design. Sometime, other user used the avatar or banner that design by the other user. It's become a pride to for a user that him/her works have been use by other. It's mean that they made something cool.

Cause that, i interest to my my own design. Beside, i Love photo editing before. It's just make me love it more! ^^

But, when i go to collage, in semester 4-now (i'm semester 7 now), i didn't have much time to editing photo. I must doing anything else and make me not produce anything. T_T

Few weeks ago, i start to adore SNSD (Girl band from Korea, known as Girls Generation), and starting become they fans. If you like something, there's a group discussion for fans in all the world. And for SNSD it's called SOSHIFIED. I think this is one of complete forum cause you can find anything in here, from video until lyrics. An one thing special on SOSHIFIED, they have team to translate all video from SNSD. It's really help fans cause they use Korean Language, and not many people can understand this language. So it's really help, and that's make some body that for the first time not like this girls, gonna love them.

In SOSHIFIED, there's a topic that call ARTWORK. In here everybody can show and publish their ability in art, mostly in editing photo. And there are some member that allow another member to request a design from him/her. That's really awesome!

That's why, i wanna do something to. i wanna make something and do something that i've been done before. And here they are....

Senin, 21 Desember 2009

Ga Nulis Blog Bukan Berarti My mind not talking

Waduhh, udah lama banget nggak bikin apa-apa di blog...
last post ajah 1 bulan yang lalu,
kalo di runut ama nama blog gue, berarti dalam satu bulan ini berarti my mind is not talking donk??


satu bulan vakum ada alasannya,
mungkin terkesan jadi jawaban standar tapi emang kenyataannya begitu...


dalam artian yang positif..

lagi banyak kegiatan yang musti diikutin dan nuntun banyak perhatian.
belom lagi seminar dan jobtraining yang alhamdulillah udah berada di zona aman..

SEMINAR udah presentasi dan di terima, tanpa ada revisi yang berarti.
tinggal di kumpul awal january, nunggu nilainya, dan di ajuin buat USULAN MASALAH buat skripsi...
dimohon ya doa nya ^^

JOBTRAINING udah di apply ama perusahaannya. Mulai kerja awal bulan january. dan sangat bersyukur sekali bisa diterima di perusahaan yang bagus.. God really love me.

Hal lain yang bikin gue berada dalam posisi SIBUK adalah di lantiknya gue menjadi salah satu pengurus PERHUMAS MUDA BANDUNG.

Organisasi yang namanya udah sangat terkenal di dunia Humas, jadi sebuah batu loncatan yang sangat bagus buat gue. ini bisa jadi kesempatan emas yang nggak bakal gue lewatin untuk kelancaran karir gue di masa depan. Aminnn....

Jadi, selama satu bulan ini, my mind is not talking is wrong, but so many things in my mind that's make i don't have enough time to share it with u guys.. ^^
Really sorry, but i'll try my best ^________________^
Laft YA!!!

Minggu, 08 November 2009

A night with my beloved sista

for the first time me and my beloved sister - Suzane Cyndia Rusli, spend time together. It's only two of us. No other! Well, although there is an interruption like usual, a phone call from somebody that she love. Hahahaha. The ring tone from her phone always become our backsound ^____^, since i know her. That's why somepeople called her "Miss Ring-ring".

I met her when Kuliah Kerja Nyata in Cikalong-Tasikmalaya. My first impression to her? What's wrong with this girl? She really dominant! And i'm right! Till now, I never change that thought! Hahahaha. Honestly, when i met her in first time i'm not like her. But I've ever heard someone say "u'll get close with someone you hate most" and that's true. Now, she was my bestbuddie. We share the dark side of our life, the worst sin that we've done, the laugh, the tears and everything. Sometimes, cause we loved each other, we lied! And that's cause loved! Sounds weird, but that it is! Lied maybe the one way whe choose to protect others feeling. But she never could lie with me! i always know if she hiding something.

After KKN, we never spent time together, just two of us cause there'are not only me and her but her loved one become my beloved sista too. We spend time together, tree of us! And today, i miss "me and her" time.

She broke up with her loved one, and finnaly we've got our time again. Maybe it's sound mean, but i feel thankfull for that. I'm not happy she broke up, it's make new problem, big problem, but i really happy we can spend the time together again, like before.

Today she sleep in my dorm, we going to the mall, eating steak, playing looklet, talking, hugging, kissing each other, doing everything that we lost before. And feel happy bout that! Now i just realize that i miss her and love her that much. Love you neu, my beloved sista!

Senin, 26 Oktober 2009

Mikirin Sminar, Pusing dan mulai panik

Sumpah ya! Gue udah mulai panic! Mikirin seminar yang nggak tau mau bikin apa. Sebenernya bukannya nggak tau juga, gue udah tau pengin neliti tentang lesbian. Tapi masih bingung fokus permasalahannya apa? Aspek mana yang bakalan gue teliti. Rencana awalnya pengen ngebahas soal konsep diri, tapi bingung. Takut lebih berat ke Psikologinya. Padahal kan jurusan gue Komunikasi. Kalo mau ngebahas Komunikasi Interpersonalnya, pasti nya tiap Komunikasi Interpersonal di pengaruhi ama Konsep diri. Sedangkan konsep dirinya aja belo ketahuan. Kalo cuma ngebahas Konsep diri doank bingung partikel-partikel atau komponen2 di dalamnya apa aja.

Gue udah berada di titik panik. Titik nggak tau musti ngapain. Ngerasa gamang aja! Karena nggak punya pijakan yang jelas! Bener-bener bingung!!!!!!!!

Minggu depan harus udah presentasi. Dan gue belom bikin sama sekali! Tuhannnnn!!!! Bener2 bingung!!!!!! Sempet kepikiran ngambil tugas MPK2. Skripsi gue yang udah kelar. Tapi ada perasaan nggak rela! Keinginan buat ngangkat tema ini bener2 nggak bisa dilewatin gitu aja.

Belum lagi JOBTRAIN yang belum tau mau dimana. Padahal temen2 lain udah ada yang keterima! What The HELL!!

TUHANNN give me sign!!!!

Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2009

My sister got sick

For the first time i write this blog in the other laptop, not with cutie. Sorry my little white notebook, for today i won't use you..^^

Why? Cause now, I'm not in my dorms. I sleep in my sister dorms in Bandung City. And this is for the fist time i visit her dorms.

Me and her have live in the same dorms, in Indri's Dorms. There are 30 rooms - how come?^^. I really have closed with all of them. It's like a famaly, like a house who has 30 rooms and 30 daughter. Big family right? Hahahaha.

In Indri's, me, kak tata, michan, kak lulu, teh mitha, epoy, gendut, and anak kingkong have more deep relationship. i really close with all of them. But we can't keep everything in the same way forever. One by one, they have finished they study. And they sholud live Indri's dorm. Fist Teh mitha, after that kak lulu, kak tata follow too. Gendut and I move to the same new dorm, but we have different reason. Gendut leave Indri cause her sister take the same collage with her, in Padjadjaran University too but in different majoy. Cause that she share her room with her sister in the new dorm, cause it's more larger than Indri. For me, i must leave Indri cause my daddy asked me to do that. I got sick in Indri, and he thing cause the enviroment in Indri not good.

One night, i just taje a nap. My phone rag, there is a message. It's from kak tata. She said that she in hospital. What? I Shock! When i asked her condittion she said that not good. I'm little panic, scared she's getting troble. She says, for now she's okay, but she aske me to comapny her in her dorms for tomorrow nite. Cause she scared there'll be something happend.

Now, i'm here. In her dorms, write this bloh and tell that to all of ya! Hahahaha. Her condition get better. I think i could back to Jatinangor this afternoon. Cause I'm little miss with my cutie. Hehehehe......

Kamis, 22 Oktober 2009

Tulisan sebelum shalat magrib

Sebenernya nggak tau mau bikin apa. Mau nulis apa. Tapi tangan gatel pengen berlayar diaantara keybord laptop. Makanya bikin tulisan aja sebelum sholat magrib...

Sebernya udah telat banget nich mau sholat magrib, tapi nggak papa lah. Dari pada nggak sama sekali. Ya kan??

Tapi abis gila2 an karokean box ama anak-anak Pondok Indri. Mantan kosan lama gue. Makan attack ama Kingkong and Papaw. Spending little time with my little sister. Secara dua-duanya junior gue. Kangen aja jaman-jaman di Indri. Jaman seru-seruan! The Best Dorm I've ever had! Walaupun sekarang udah pada pindah-pindah. Tapi tetep aja, hubungannya masih deket. Masih tau perkembangan kehidupan cinta yang jadi topik utama dari setiap pembicaraan kita kalau lagi ngumpul-ngumpul. Hehehehehehe...

Emang kosan sekarang enak banget tempatnya. Secara gitu ya bow, mahal!!! Hahahahahaha. Tapi kalo soal suasana and lingkungan nggak setara ama Indri. Indri ngajarin gue yang namanya keluarga besar. Kalo sekarang serasa tinggal di apartemen. Individual banget! Gue aja cuma kenal ama yang tinggal depan kamar gue. Itu juga gara-gara gue minjem sapu! Secara di Indri mana ada gue punya sapu. Barang-barang kayak sapu, kain pel, bahkan peralatan makan pun jadi milik bersama! Ampe kalo sabun atau sampo abis minta aja ke yang lain. Hahahahahaha. Dan gue nggak pernah nyesel! Walaupun jumlah piring gue berkurang gara-gara nggak tau dipake ama siapa, atau kamar gue udah kayak ruang keluarga, karena tiap hari pasti ada aja yang mampir and nebeng nonton tipi atau maen internet. Walaupun gue kehilangan privasi gue selama 3 tahun belakangan, tapi semua itu bikin hidup gue BAHAGIA!

Mungkin sekarang gue bisa ngedapatin privasi yang selama ini nggak bisa gue dapetin di Indri, tapi gue juga kehilangan hal yang bener-bener penting. FAMILY...

Sedih juga sebenernya, tapi gue nggak kehilangan itu sepenuhnya! Karena mereka masih ada. Di HATI Gue..

Udah dulu ah, mau sholat nich..

Selasa, 20 Oktober 2009


I try one of application in facebook, the title is "who is your angel?". This application tell that every body have one angel as our protector. This Angel will give effect to us. Our habit it's depend on what angel we have. And my Result was....


"Who is like God", "Like unto God", "Who is like the Divine" The first Angel created by God, Michael is the leader of all the Archangels and is in charge of protection, courage, strength, truth and integrity. Michael protects us physically, emotionally and psychically. He also oversees the lightworker's life purpose. His chief function is to rid the earth and its inhabitants of the toxins associated with fear. Michael carries a flaming sword that he uses to cut through etheric cords and protects us from Satan and negative entities. When he's around you may see sparkles or flashes of bright blue or purple light. Michael is helping if you find yourself under psychic attack or if you feel you lack commitment, motivation and dedication to your beliefs, courage, direction, energy, vitality, self-esteem, worthiness. Michael helps us to realize our life's purpose and he's invaluable to lightworkers helping with protection, space clearing and spirit releasement. Michael conquered the fallen Angel Satan, was in the Garden of Eden to teach Adam how to farm and care for his family, spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai and in 1950 he was canonized as Saint Michael, "the patron of Police Officers," because he helps with heroic deeds and bravery. Michael also has an incredible knack for fixing electrical and mechanical devices, including computers and automobiles. Michael helps us to follow our truth without compromising our integrity and helps us to find our true natures and to be faithful to who we really are. Michael's message is dont be afraid to stand for what you believe in and to fight for what you desire in life!!

After i read all description 'bout Michael, i thought "Hey! It's match!" I think every think in description above really match with my characteristic. And i little bit happy - if this is true, i have a special angel. The first angel that god create. How cool is that??

How was Michael in my imagination? An angel who portray strength and the power to protect! Cause i dont have any picture that close like that's imagine, i just give you a picture of an angel. As for me. I think he could me me calm and happy every time i looked his picture.. Love Him so much. My Michael!